★What is it like to visit a Nazi concentration camp? ( Reblogged from Quora)


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Rich Faber, Marketing manager at a large manufacturing company. 56 years old three kids, married 24 years. 

At Auschwitz I was walking down the gravel road towards the Crematoria 1 gas chamber when a man from the UK came up to me with tears in his eyes asked if I would take some acorns with me.  Puzzled, I said ok. When I got to the crematorium I saw oak trees that victims waited under for their turn in the gas chambers. http://www.scrapbookpages.com/Au…  Everywhere you dig your heel in grass you find white ash from the chimneys. I realized that the calcium, sodium and potassium even some carbon of the victims remained in the ashes and those ashes had been taken up by the oak trees for nourishment. Some tiny portion of the victims resided in the acorns. I thought if I could get some acorns out of the camp I would have liberated some of the elements of the victims all these years later. I gathered some up and put them in my pocket. I am not going to say here whether  those acorns made it to the US. I will say that there is a beautiful oak tree in my front yard. I smile at it every day on the way to work. I will occasionally inspect its leaves and even softly talk to it. Later I read victims made tea from the acorns or ate them raw. One said if there had been any grass we would have eaten it, too.

Upvoted • 2 Comments • Share (1) • Thank • Report • 29 Jan
Stephen Darori



Stephen Darori

I am still crying 40 minutes after you reading your posting ,Rich. I will ask my daughter Kim to bring me an acorn. I too want an acorn tree in Zion. 






Pat Mathieson

What an answer.



Bennett: Peace talks lead to Palestinian violence against Israelis


Economy minister and Habayit Hayehudi leader says in INSS speech that history will not forgive Israeli leaders who cede any land, all Israelis under future Palestinian rule will be murdered






Economy Minister Naftali Bennett lashed out on Tuesday at Israel’s ongoing peace talks with the Palestinians, warning that negotiations inevitably lead to violence against Israelis.



“Between 2000 and 2003 more than one thousand Israelis were murdered on the streets of Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in suicide attacks that followed immediately after Camp David, when (then) Prime Minister Ehud Barak wanted to give them more than anyone else had before,” Bennett told the audience at the annual defense conference of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).


“2012 was the quietest year since there were no political negotiations,” he said. “No one died that year in any attacks in Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria. As usual we can say, since the peace talks began, an intifada came about.”



Bennett at INSS conference, Tuesday (Photo: Motti Kimchi)
Bennett at INSS conference, Tuesday (Photo: Motti Kimchi)



Bennett passionately dismissed the chances of achieving true peace with a two-state solution. Referring to recent statements made by


both sides in regards to having Israeli citizens living under a possible Palestinian rule, he said: “You know why Israelis can’t live under Palestinians? Because they’ll be killed. How do I know this? Because it has already happened. One day, one morning, our neighbors woke up and killed us.”



“If an Arab citizen walked into Herzliya, he would walk out safe and sound, as he should; if an Israeli walked in to Ramallah he’d be murdered. Everyone here knows it. So why can’t it be that the Palestinians would rule Israelis? Because they’ll kill them.”



The minister also warned that a Palestinian state would not welcome the millions of refugees dotted around the Arab world, and would instead direct them to Israel.


“A Palestinian state will overflow the State of Israel with refugees. Millions of Palestinian refugees – you think their brothers in Nablus will want to share their land with them? You think? They’ll send them straight to Israel!” he said.


He also had harsh words for anyone willing to cede land as part of a peace deal.


“The western area of Israel is not just a territory; it is the Land of Israel,” Bennett said, referring to the West Bank. “It was ours 4,000 years ago and it will continue to be ours for the next 4,000.


“We must live the legacy of our people, the history of our people and the root of our lives. We need to understand this is our rare opportunity to be the gatekeepers of the Jewish legacy, the keepers of Jerusalem. Our descendants will not forgive an Israeli leader who would split our country and give away our capital.”


Bennett, who a short time earlier had returned from a day-long trip to Poland for a Holocaust memorial ceremony at Auschwitz, also raised the question of why the Nazi death camp had not been bombed by the Allies during World War II.


Tel Aviv Celebrates its Annual Water Party (Video)


Today in Tel Aviv, thousands of people gathered in Rabin Square for the city’s 9th annual Water Party.

The event, which started at 15:15 pm, is known for bringing together people in an attempt to beat the oppressive heat, which topped 30 degrees Celsius for today’s event.

Participants came from all over Israel in their beach clothes, carrying water guns and buckets. Below are a few moments captured from today’s Water Party!

Related articles:






Photos: jerusalemonline.com


  1. Batya Rl

    July 5, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    Wow… amazing!!! Good for TLV

  2. אייל קרביץ

    July 5, 2013 at 1:51 pm

    בהחלט אין על תל אביב, עיר מדהימה

Steven Harper: Flowers, Flags, Honor Guards and More

Normally, only presidents of countries and a King or Queen would have their national flags hanging on major streets for an official state visit to Jerusalem, Israel.

This week, however, Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper has received that and much more for a royal welcome.

His speech in the Knesset got several standing ovations. The Prime Minister of Canada in front of the world said that Canada would go through fire and water to stand with Israel? WOW!

photo Steven Harper, picture Prime minister Canada and Israel , image Canada Prime minister in Israel

Not only were flags and flowers put out for the Prime Minister of Canada and his wife,

image red carpet, Israel honor guard photo, picture red carpet for Canada Prime Minister

but also red carpets lined with honor guards . (Please note all pant legs for men are tucked into boots, while women wear cute little white socks. Israeli dress style does not have pants with neat, sharp creased cuffs.)

But there is more – Israel went the whole kit and caboodle for the visiting Canadians.

image sushi table, picture of sushi for reception Harper, picture sushi

A mound of  sushi at one of many food stations was just part of the repast for guests at the Israeli Prime Minister’s office for the official welcome. (Ok, I still have not recovered from shock of 10 shekel charge for water at Obama’s speech in Israel last year.)

image Israeli leaders, photo Israeli politicians, picture reception line for Harpers

For the Harpers’ visit, Israeli politicians stood quietly, waiting in a reception line,

image Israeli political leaders, photo Knesset leaders, picture reception line israel leaders

and dressed in very ‘unIsraeli’ style, with dark suits, pressed dress shirts and blue-striped ties.

image Israeli politicians, photo Israeli leaders, picture Knesset leaders

Well… almost all the men wore a suit and tie.

image Jerusalem leaders, photo Jerusalem mayor with religious leaders, picture Jerusalem political and religious leaders

For the Harpers, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat stood along with leaders of various religions, and waited in the very long reception line.

image Steven Harper with Bib Netanyahu, photo Harper and Netanyahu, picture Steven Harper in israel

First, they stood and listened to an Israeli army band play the anthems, O’Canada and Hatikvah.

image Harper and Netanyahu, photo Canadian Prime Minister in Israel, picture Prime ministers

No, the prime ministers were not holding hands as they walked the red carpet. But this visit certainly has given Israeli PM much to smile about.

image tuba, photo two tuba players, picture Israel army musicians

From red carpet welcome with big brass band

image state limo, photo Israeli limo, picture state ceremony

to official limo service into and out of the welcoming ceremony,

image Larueen and Steven Harper, photo of Steven Harper in Israel , picture Steven Harper and wife

Prime Minister Steven  and Laureen Harper have received as royal and stylish a welcome as little Israel with big heart can put on.

Israel went the whole nine yards to say thank you.


Naftali Bennett: Palestinian state will destroy Israel’s economy

In passionate speech, Bennett slams two-state solution, those claiming peace talks in Israel’s economic benefit. ‘For decades there has been desire to divide Israel, excuse keeps changing: First it was peace, then demographics, now economics’To his visual aid, Bennett came armed with a map of Israel – West Bank included – in which he portrayed Judea and Samaria as a mountainous shield protecting central Israel from West Bank Palestinians. Related stories:

Pointing to the map, Bennett said: “Copy paste what happened in Sderot to the rest of Israel. How will Israel’s economy look if a rocket will fall in Shenkar Street in central Herzliya? What if once a year a plane will crash at Ben Gurion Airport?” Pointing to his second visual aid, a graph showing the correlation between peace negotiations and growth of Israeli economy, Bennett made the claim that peace talks, and their ensuing political fallout, have a negative effect on Israel’s growth, the largest alleged drop being registered after former prime minister Ehud Barak‘s Camp David talks with Yasser Arafet. “Israel belongs to the Jewish people for thousands of years, that’s a fact. But now I am talking about economy. “For over 20 years there has been a determination to divide the country, only the excuse has changed. Once they said it was for peace… then (Livni said) for appeasing the world, then for demographics and now economy.”

“Will we divide Jerusalem because of the economy? Will we give up the Galilee? Or will we hand over the Negev because of international pressure on our treatment of the Bedouins.”

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16 Talkbacks for this article     See all talkbacks
Chris Rettenmoser ,  Bayerisch Gmain Germ (01.20.14)
Chris Rettenmoser ,  Bayerisch Gmain Germ (01.20.14)
lydia ,  brisbane (01.20.14)
Sam ,  Canada (01.20.14)
jenifer ,  Jerusalem, Israel (01.20.14)
Sam ,  Canada (01.20.14)
Alexander Scheiner ,  Israel (01.20.14)
Steve Benassi ,  Silver Bay, MN USA (01.20.14)
Daniel (01.20.14)
Mike Tyson ,  Columbia. (01.20.14)
Leon (01.20.14)
Mark ,  Lodz, Poland (01.20.14)
Nora Tel Aviv (01.20.14)
ORA ,  JERUSALEM (01.20.14)
J ,  Tel Aviv (01.20.14)
zionist forever (01.20.14)

Just the Law – How Things Work in Israel Transfer of assets upon death






Remember the old saying  – “there are two things that are definite in life – taxes and death”?  Well from what I read in the newspapers, with proper tax planning not even this age old adage is not true anymore.  However, I do know that death is something that none of us can escape.  So what happens to your assets when you die?  Just like with taxes, it depends on whether or not you did any planning during your life. 

In Israel, there are two possibilities for the transfer of your assets after your death.  Probate or intestate transfer of assets.  If you planned while you were alive, and you made a will, then the will is generally honored (unless successfully challenged by one of the inheritors or potential inheritors).  When you make a will in Israel, you can register t in the Registrar of Wills, and at least then there generally will be less potential litigation regarding what your final will was and what your intentions were.  If you don’t have a will when you pass away, then after payment of your debts, your assets will pass to your inheritors by law via intestacy. 

How do things pass via intestacy?  In Israel the general rule is that your spouse is entitled to half of your assets and your children divide equally the other half.  If you have no spouse then everything gets divided equally between your children.  No children and no spouse?  Then your assets will be divided by your parents, or if they already passed away then by their siblings.  Of course, the law outlines how assets will be passed if none of these people are alive at the time of death.

The other issue that you have to deal with is whether this all happens in the Rabbinic court or in the secular court.  To find out about that, you have to give my office a call. 


Ayelet Shaked: Stop Worrying and Apologizing for Being Zionist


Stephen Darori

Ayelet Shaked is my  favourite MK. Naftali Bennet is my favourite Minister. Both eloquently speak Zionism as it should be spoken .. with rip roaring ” in your face” enthusiasm.

Calling building in Judea and Samaria ‘the lifeblood of Zionism,’ MK Ayelet Shaked urges Israel to stand strong on building plans.

MK Ayelet Shaked

MK Ayelet Shaked

In light of increasing pressure from the European Union (EU) and other international powers to stop building in Judea and Samaria, MK Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) has urged Israel not to back down.

“Building communities throughout all of the Land of Israel has always been the lifeblood of Zionism,” Shaked explained, “from the immigrant groups who arrived pre-state, through the establishment of border communities after the War of Independence and the establishment of communities in regions liberated in the Six Day War.”

“These communities symbolized the Jewish people’s return to the Land of Israel, the home of its ancestors, and has defined the state of Israel’s security,” Shaked continued. “Unfortunately, we have seen that where there are no Israeli communities, there is no security.”

“In recent times, these settlements have become devalued in the eyes of our leaders,” Shaked stated. “Suddenly, the establishment of a new community – once celebrated all over the country – has become a rare event. The pulse of Zionism throbbing in the veins of our country has begun to weaken.”

“Especially now, when the flourishing communities in Judea and Samaria are facing external threats, we must say [to the world]: ‘Building communities in Israel – this is Zionism,” she continued.

Shaked called on the government to stop apologizing, to stop being afraid of world powers, and to tell the world that “we must return to the values ​​that led to the rebirth of Israel in its land – the establishment of new communities.”

Last week, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu slammed the EU for summoning envoys over recently unveiled plans for some 1,800 new homesfor Jews in the ancient Jewish capital of Jerusalem, and the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria.

“This is hypocrisy. The EU calls our ambassadors in because of the construction of a few houses? When did the EU call in the Palestinian ambassadors about incitement that calls for Israel’s destruction?” Netanyahu asked foreign correspondents at his annual new year reception.

“It’s time to stop this hypocrisy,” he said. “This imbalance… doesn’t advance peace, I think it pushes peace further away.”

The European Union has been unrelenting in its criticism of Israel’s construction in Judea and Samaria. The EU promotes boycotts of products made beyond 1949 Armistice lines, and has effectively redrawn Israel’s borders to those lines in policies to its member states.

Recently, the EU has gone so far as to offer “unprecedented” aid packages to both Israel and the PA in the event that a two-statesolution – and a withdrawal – results from negotiations.

Rumbula Massacre November 30th to December 8th 1941 – god and Hitler’s The Final Solution


Stephen Darori on Being Jewish

263 of my Family Members from Riga and surrounding areas in Latvia were murdered between November 30th and December 1941 in the Rumbula massacre.Only my Grandmother Freda Shabelstock Baker and her sister Rosa Shabelstok Segal who were both in South Africa survived. 47 died in Auschwitz.On March 19th-29th , my daughter Kim will take part in,”The March of the Living in Poland “. If god was responsible for the Holocaust … all I can say is ,”up yours… !!!! ” ” http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a2/Liepeja_massacre_15_Dec_1941.JPG.

The Rumbula Massacre – A Critical Examination of the Facts, Part 1

Thomas Kues

1. The Rumbula Massacre in Mainstream Historiography

Of the individual mass shootings of Jews perpetrated by German special units together with local auxiliary forces in the occupied parts of the Soviet Union and the Baltic countries in 1941–1944, the one at Babi Yar near Kiev on 29–30 September 1941 is undoubtedly the best…

View original post 19,074 more words

The Truth About Palestine and The Palestinians


Published on Jan 17, 2014
Palestine – To was or not to was? That is the question, which 2 Palestinian chicks tried to answer in an attempt to debunk, pwn and otherwise refute claims made in another video titled “Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank” – from the crafty hands of Danny Ayalon who seems to be enjoying making videos ever since he left the Israeli parliament. Well, now the poor girls got a Joniversity response.

A few links to feast on:
My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Joniversity
Genocidal Race Traitor: http://genocidalracetraitor.blogspot….
A video where I deal with Biblical Archeology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrMNGj…
Danny Ayalon’s original video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGYxLW…
The response video by the two Arab chicks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBYkBq…
The Bill Maher bit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmizyH…

Stuff I talked about:
Anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda vs Arab anti-Israel propaganda: http://www.antisemitism.org.il/eng/Ar…

The view of the West Bank as Disputed Territory rather than Occupied Territory: http://www.jcpa.org/jl/vp470.htm

Palestine laid waste with little population: http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~peters/d…

Demographics of Palestine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demograp…

League of Nations Mandate for Palestine: http://cojs.org/cojswiki/League_of_Na….

Palestinian nationalism (nice article where Benny Morris reviews Rashid Khalidi’s book): http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&…

The two chicks based some of their stuff on works by Ilan Pappe. Here’s Benny Morris shredding him one passage at a time http://www.newrepublic.com/article/bo…

My personal views:
For me personally the legal case for the West Bank as disputed territories seams sketchy, and I have a hunch that most Israelis are on the same page as I am on this. Also, I for one, do not think that the fact that the Palestinian national identity was manufactured not long ago (mainly for political reasons, but yes, also in response to a more organic sense of identity that has developed over time) means that they have more or less rights than the ancient Jewish national identity. The way I see it, trying to solve the Israeli-Arab conflict by benchmarking it against a historical justice/injustice scale simply seams extremely counter-productive – it is a fight both sides can potentially win at the face value argument level. Although Palestinians have the “advantage” of appearing as the weak party, which automatically makes a certain type of people unite in defense of the poor suffering brown native noble savage (just as they did for Israel when it was the weak party), after all weak = victim, and victim = just. Didn’t you know? And yes, it helps when that poor suffering brown native noble savage has petro-dollar money pushing its propaganda.
Be good.





Israel does not have a written constitution, even though according to the Proclamation of Independence a constituent assembly should have prepared a constitution by October 1, 1948. The delay in the preparation of a constitution resulted primarily from problems that emerged against the background of the alleged clash between a secular constitution and the Halacha (the Jewish religious law).

 The arguments in favor of a constitution
 The arguments against a constitution 
 The Harari proposal 


Despite what the Proclamation of Independence of the State of Israel states regarding the preparation of a constitution by the Constituent Assembly, Israel has no written constitution in the formal sense,even though it has a constitution in the material sense – in other words, laws and basic rules that lay down the foundations of the system of government and the rights of the individual. Some of these are formulated in basic laws, some are scattered in other laws, and part – at least until the passing of basic laws dealing with human and civil rights – were interpreted and formulated in a series of decision by the Supreme Court.

There were those who were inclined to view the Proclamation of Independence as a constitution, since it dealt with the foundations of the establishment of the state, its nature, part of its institutions, the principles of its operation and the rights of its citizens. However, in a series of decisions the Supreme Court ruled that the Proclamation of Independence does not have the validity of a constitutional law, and that it is not a supreme law, in light of which laws and regulations that contradict it are nullified. Nevertheless, article 1 of the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty and of the Basic Law: Freedom of Occupation relates to the priniples mentioned in the Proclamation of Independence as a normative source. According to this article “the basic human rights in Israel are based on recognition of the value of man, the sanctity of his life and his being free, and they will be respected in the spirit of the principles (mentioned) in the proclamation of the establishment of the State of Israel.”

The debate in the First Knesset on the issue of the constitution Even before the establishment of the state, the National Council Executive set up a committee, headed by MK Zerah Warhaftig (Mizrahi), to deal with the issue of the constitution. However, already in this committee it becameapparent that the work of preparing a constitution would not be easy. The first Knesset held several debates on the issue.

 The Arguments in Favor of a Constitution

The main arguments in favor of a constitution were: the fact that the founders of the state favored the preparation of a constitution and the explicit declaration to this effect in the Proclamation of Independence; the need for a document that would bind all the state institutions, including the legislature, and would serve as the basis for the rules by which the state functions; the need to respect resolution 181 of the United Nations General Assembly of November 29, 1947, which dealt with the plan for the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and and Arab state. The resolution called for the preparation of a democratic constitution by a Constituent Assembly, which was to include instructions relating to the preservation of the basic rights of the state’s citizens; the fact that most states have constitutions; the educational and cultural value that is embodied in a constitution, to the light of which the younger generation can be educated and which serves as the state’s visiting card; the value of a constitution in advancing the “melting pot” process; and the value of a constitution as an expression of the revolution that took place in the life of the Jewish people.

 The Arguments Against a Constitution

The main arguments put forward by those opposed to the constitution, headed by David Ben-Gurion and the religious parties, were: the idea of the constitution developed in previous centuries, against the background of social and economic struggles that no longer exist; despite and perhaps even because of the absence of a written constitution in Great Britain, the rule of law and democracy there are solid,and civil freedoms are upheld; the Proclamation of Independence includes within it the basic principles of any progressive constitution, and the Transition Law of 1949, which was passed by the Constituent Assembly, constitutes a fulfillment of the state’s obligations towards the United Nations on this issue; only a minority of the Jewish people is in Israel, and the state does not have the right to adopt a constitution that will bind the millions that have not yet arrived; because of the nature and special problems of the state, it is difficult to reach a consensus regarding the spiritual principles which are to shape the image of the people and the essence of its life, and the debate about the constitution could lead to a cultural war between the religious and secular communities; the State of Israel is in the midst of a continuous process of change and crystallization, and this does not go together with a rigid constitution.

 The Harari Proposal

At the end of the debate, on June 13, 1950, the Knesset decided to adopt a resolution known as “the Harari proposal”, named after MK Yizhar Harari of the Progressive Party, who proposed it. According to this proposal “the First Knesset assigns to the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee the preparation of a proposed constitution for the state. The constitution will be made up of chapters, each of which will constitute a separate basic law. The chapters will be brought to the Knesset, as the Committee completes its work, and all the chapters together will constitute the constitution of the state.” Following the passing of this resolution, the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee set up a sub-committee on the Constitution.